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Custom made sisal rug with border - Santa light brown

Custom made sisal rug with border - Santa light brown

linea naturale

Delivery time: 14-21 working days

Versendet Günstiger Versand (8,90€) Versandkostenfrei in Deutschland.  

90.85 € / m²

Regular price €90,85
Regular price Sale price €90,85
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Carpet material 100% sisal
Back latex
Manufacturing type woven by machine
Color / motif / pattern plain light brown
Suitable for underfloor heating Yes
Height approx. 6mm
Border width approx. 5 cm
total weight approx. 2750 g/sqm
brand basic material

Hard-wearing and easy-care -
Sisal carpet Santa with border

The quality of a carpet is important! Households with children and animals in particular appreciate when the floor covering is robust and easy to care for. A sisal carpet covers both properties directly. The fine fibers of the surface are made from sisal agave, which is found in tropical areas. The fiber is extremely robust and can be easily cleaned.

The highlights at a glance

  • Binds moisture and ensures a pleasant indoor climate
  • Stable fiber from sisal agave
  • Robust and easy to care for
  • Suitable for almost all rooms

Attention: Sisal rugs should not be used outdoors or indoors as the surface is sensitive to water.

Find out more about sisal: material lexicon

Sisal carpet with border

A border not only looks good, it is also a useful feature. The border, which is based on the color of the carpet material, borders the carpet and protects the fibers from fraying. This means that the carpet is also very durable at the edges and the customer gets a long-lasting product without having to make any compromises.

Pure nature for the home interior

Feel free like in nature, cozy and relaxed on the sofa at home. Sisal carpets give your rooms elegance and naturalness. The carpets, which are usually in earthy brown tones, are particularly popular with people who appreciate a natural environment.

Simply order sisal carpet online

Our carpets are rolled up over the short side and shipped in a film. Therefore, both the delivery and the return for the customer, if the carpet does not like it for any reason, are absolutely uncomplicated. The product images are usually very realistic. Due to production reasons, small deviations may still occur in individual cases.

Produkt- & Sicherheitsressourcen

Hersteller / Importeur
linea naturale GmbH
Marienstraße 51
46284 Dorsten
+40 2362 965453

⚠ Achtung!
Teppich. Nicht für den Gebrauch durch Kleinkinder ohne Aufsicht geeignet.
Sicherheitshinweis: Achten Sie darauf, den Teppich auf einer stabilen, ebenen Fläche zu platzieren, um ein Verrutschen oder Stolpern zu vermeiden. Verwenden Sie gegebenenfalls eine rutschfeste Unterlage.
Reinigungshinweis: Reinigen Sie den Teppich regelmäßig gemäß den Pflegehinweisen des Herstellers. Verwenden Sie geeignete Reinigungsmittel und vermeiden Sie aggressive Chemikalien, die das Material beschädigen könnten.
Brandgefahr: Halten Sie den Teppich von offenen Flammen und heißen Oberflächen fern. Teppiche sind brennbar und können bei unsachgemäßer Handhabung Feuer fangen.
Allergierisiko: Bei bestimmten Materialien kann es zu Allergien oder Hautreizungen kommen. Achten Sie auf persönliche Unverträglichkeiten und verwenden Sie bei Bedarf einen Staubsauger mit HEPA-Filter, um Staub und Allergene zu minimieren.
Entsorgungshinweis: Entsorgen Sie beschädigte Teppiche gemäß den örtlichen Vorschriften für Textilabfälle.

Artikelnummer: 9L05HB

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